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  • EIWA Weekly Recap (1/29/2025)

    Binghamton goes 2-0 on the road against Ivy opponents, Wagner knocks off #18 Sotelo Drexel’s Jordan Soriano earns Wrestler of the Week with 2 wins over ranked opponents  F&M secures home win over Sacred Heart   Bucknell defeats #24 Army West Point at home  
    Drexel 20 Bucknell 13
    125 - Desmond Pleasant (Drexel) tech Chris Nucifora (Bucknell)  21-6
    133 - Kurt Phipps (Bucknell) dec Kyle Waterman (Drexel)  7-5
    141 - Jordan Soriano (Drexel) dec Dylan Chappell (Bucknell)  10-8
    149 - Dom Findora (Drexel) dec Braden Bower (Bucknell)  7-4SV
    157 - Luke Nichter (Drexel) dec Cade Wirnsberger (Bucknell)  9-3
    165 - Noah Mulvaney (Bucknell) maj Cody Walsh (Drexel)  12-3
    174 - Myles Takats (Bucknell) dec Jasiah Queen (Drexel)  5-3
    184 - Giuseppe Hoose (Drexel) dec Logan Deacetis (Bucknell)  6-5
    197 - Mickey O’Malley (Drexel) dec Dillon Bechtold (Bucknell)  13-10
    285 - Nolan Springer (Bucknell) maj Dom Petracci (Drexel)  15-2
    Binghamton 26 Harvard 12
    125 - Carson Wagner (Binghamton) dec Diego Sotelo (Harvard)  10-3
    133 - Logan Brzozowski (Harvard) dec Jack Kazalas (Binghamton)  2-1
    141 - Dante Frinzi (Harvard) dec Nathan Lucier (Binghamton)  6-5
    149 - Jaden Pepe (Harvard) dec Ivan Garcia (Binghamton)  3-2
    157 - Jimmy Harrington (Harvard) dec Fin Nadeau (Binghamton)  4-1
    165 - Carter Baer (Binghamton) maj Cael Berg (Harvard)  15-2
    174 - Brevin Cassella (Binghamton) fall Haden Bottiglieri (Harvard)  1:18
    184 - Will Ebert (Binghamton) maj Matthew Walsh (Harvard)  10-2
    197 - Cayden Bevis (Binghamton) dec Hudson Skove (Harvard)  7-3
    285 - Cory Day (Binghamton) fall Jeffrey Crooks (Harvard)  1:38
    Binghamton 18 Brown 17
    125 - Carson Wagner (Binghamton) maj Jared Brunner (Brown)  17-3
    133 - Jacob Joyce (Brown) dec Micah Roes (Binghamton)  6-5
    141 - Nathan Lucier (Binghamton) dec Ian Oswalt (Brown)  7-6
    149 - Ivan Garcia (Binghamton) dec Ethan Mojena (Brown)  5-3
    157 - Blake Saito (Brown) dec Fin Nadeau (Binghamton)  4-2
    165 - Carter Baer (Binghamton) maj Keegan Rothrock (Brown)  9-0
    174 - Brevin Cassella (Binghamton) maj Drew Clearie (Brown)  11-1
    184 - Andrew Reall (Brown) dec Will Ebert (Binghamton)  4-0
    197 - Thomas Sandoval (Brown) dec Cayden Bevis (Binghamton)  4-2
    285 - Alex Semenenko (Brown) fall Charlie Tibbitts (Binghamton)  7:00
    Drexel 21 Rider 12
    125 - Desmond Pleasant (Drexel) dec Ryan Michaels (Rider)  9-8
    133 - Kyle Waterman (Drexel) dec Will Betancourt (Rider)  8-2
    141 - Jordan Soriano (Drexel) dec McKenzie Bell (Rider)  8-5
    149 - Sammy Alvarez (Rider) dec Dom Findora (Drexel)  4-1
    157 - Colton Washleski (Rider) dec Luke Nichter (Drexel)  8-6
    165 - Enrique Munguia (Rider) dec Cody Walsh (Drexel)  6-1
    174 - Jasiah Queen (Drexel) dec Michael Wilson (Rider)  13-8
    184 - Isaac Dean (Rider) dec Giuseppe Hoose (Drexel)  7-3
    197 - Mickey O’Malley (Drexel) fall Brock Zurawski (Rider)  2:51
    285 - Ibrahim Ameer (Drexel) dec Collin French (Rider)  9-4
    Franklin & Marshall 29 Sacred Heart 12
    125 - Jack Parker (F&M) FFT
    133 - Braxton Appello (Sacred Heart) fall Mason Leiphart (F&M)  4:17
    141 - Bryce Kresho (F&M) maj Andrew Fallon (Sacred Heart)  11-2
    149 - Josh Hillard (F&M) maj Dakota Asuncion (Sacred Heart)  15-7
    157 - Luke Bender (F&M) dec Felix Lettini (Sacred Heart)  11-9
    165 - Josh Palmucci (F&M) fall Calvin Pineda (Sacred Heart)  1:47
    174 - Nicolas Alvarez (F&M) dec Aidan Zarrella (Sacred Heart)  6-1
    184 - Hunter Perez (Sacred Heart) dec Leo Varga (F&M)  8-5
    197 - RJ Moore (F&M) dec Chris DeLana (Sacred Heart)  5-1
    285 - Marc Berisha (Sacred Heart) dec Brody Kline (F&M)  7-3
    CSU Bakersfield 28 American 9
    125 - Richard Castro-Sandoval (CSU Bakersfield) dec JJ Peace (American)  4-1SV
    133 - Raymond Lopez (American) maj Santino Sanchez (CSU Bakersfield)  10-2
    141 - Hayden Zinkin (CSU Bakersfield) dec Cael McIntyre (American)  6-1
    149 - Brock Rogers (CSU Bakersfield) dec Gage Owen (American)  14-7
    157 - Jack Nies (American) tech Devyn Flores-Che (CSU Bakersfield)  19-3
    165 - Guillermo Escobedo (CSU Bakersfield) dec Kaden Milheim (American)  7-2
    174 - Coen Quintana (CSU Bakersfield) dec Austin Craft (American)  4-2
    184 - Gerrit Nijenhuis (CSU Bakersfield) tech Caleb Campos (American)  20-2
    197 - AJ Ferrari (CSU Bakersfield) tech Liam Volk-Klos (American)  19-1
    285 - Jake Andrews (CSU Bakersfield) dec Will Jarrell (American)  4-2
    American 24 Central Michigan 13
    125 - JJ Peace (American) dec Grant Stahl (Central Michigan)   4-1SV
    133 - Raymond Lopez (American) maj Vince Perez (Central Michigan)  16-7
    141 - Elijah White (American) dec Kellan Aure (Central Michigan)  4-1
    149 - Andrew Austin (Central Michigan) dec Gage Owen (American)  7-3
    157 - Johnny Lovett (Central Michigan) dec Jack Nies (American)  4-3
    165 - Kaden Milheim (American) maj Tyler Swiderski (Central Michigan)  13-3
    174 - Alex Cramer (Central Michigan) maj Caleb Campos (American)  12-1
    184 - Lucas White (American) fall Adrien Cramer (Central Michigan)  5:00
    197 - Luke Cochran (Central Michigan) dec Carsten Rawls (American)  7-5
    285 - Will Jarrell (American) maj Bryan Caves (Central Michigan)  10-2
    Campbell 18 American 14
    125 - Cooper Shore (Campbell) dec JJ Peace (American)  4-2
    133 - Raymond Lopez (American) maj Logan Heil (Campbell)  13-4
    141 - Shannon Hanna (Campbell) dec Elijah White (American)  4-2
    149 - Wynton Denkins (Campbell) dec Gage Owen (American)  12-5
    157 - Chris Earnest (Campbell) dec Jack Nies (American)  10-4
    165 - Dom Baker (Campbell) dec Kaden Milheim (American)  4-1SV
    174 - Caleb Campos (American) dec Riley Augustine (Campbell)  5-1
    184 - Lucas White (American) dec Logan Heckert (Campbell)  7-0
    197 - Levi Hopkins (Campbell) dec Carsten Rawls (American)  6-1
    285 - Will Jarrell (American) maj Logan Sargent (Campbell)  11-3
    Penn 39 Hofstra 7
    125 - Max Gallagher (Penn) fall Dylan Acevedo-Switzer (Hofstra)  6:38
    133 - Ryan Miller (Penn) tech Chase Liardi (Hofstra)  17-2
    141 - CJ Composto (Penn) tech Justin Hoyle (Hofstra)  18-1
    149 - Cross Wasilewski (Penn) fall Noah Tapia (Hofstra)  4:47
    157 - Jude Swisher (Penn) maj Jurius Clark (Hofstra)  17-3
    165 - Kyle Mosher (Hofstra) maj Andy Troczynski (Penn)  14-3
    174 - Nick Incontrera (Penn) maj Matt Waddell (Hofstra)  17-0
    184 - Max Hale (Penn) dec Ross McFarland (Hofstra)  4-1
    197 - Nik Miller (Hofstra) dec Nathan Taylor (Penn)  8-5SV
    285 - John Pardo (Penn) tech Danny Church (Hofstra)  20-4
    Clarion 19 Long Island 15
    125 - Travis Clawson (Clarion) dec Robbie Sagaris (Long Island)  5-2
    133 - Mason Prinkey (Clarion) dec Kaelen Francois (Long Island)  9-3
    141 - Gianni Silvestri (Clarion) dec Devin Matthews (Long Island)  4-1SV
    149 - Drew Witham (Long Island) dec Kyle Schickel (Clarion)  10-3
    157 - Brayden Roberts (Long Island) fall Chandler Ho (Clarion)  1:04
    165 - Anthony Ferrari (Long Island) dec Brady Worthing (Clarion)  7-6
    174 - Wesley Barnes (Clarion) dec Blake Bahna (Long Island)  2-1
    184 - Anthony D’Alesio (Long Island) dec  Adrian Gacek (Clarion)  4-1SV
    197 - Ethan Wiant (Clarion) dec Corey Connolly (Long Island)  7-1
    285 - Austin Chapman (Clarion) maj Chris Powell (Long Island)  16-6
    Long Island 24 Kent State 14
    125 - Robbie Sagaris (Long Island) dec Tyeler Hagensen (Kent State)  6-5SV
    133 - Adan Benavidez (Kent State) dec Kaelen Francois (Long Island)  4-1
    141 - Jordan Decatur (Kent State) maj Devin Matthews (Long Island)  14-5
    149 - Drew Witham (Long Island) dec Nate Roth (Kent State)  8-1
    157 - Brayden Roberts (Long Island) fall Aidan Rush (Kent State)  2:32
    165 - Carson Miller (Kent State) maj Donavan Smith (Long Island)  8-0
    174 - Blake Bahna (Long Island) maj Ethan Barr (Kent State)  18-7
    184 - Anthony D’Alesio (Long Island) maj Trent Thomas (Kent State)  13-4
    197 - Blake Schaffer (Kent State) dec Corey Connolly (Long Island)  7-0
    285 - Chris Powell (Long Island) maj Brentan Simmerson (Kent State)  10-1
    Bucknell 21 Army West Point 13
    125 - Charlie Farmer (Army West Point) tech Chris Nucifora (Bucknell)  23-5
    133 - Kurt Phipps (Bucknell) dec Ethan Berginc (Army West Point)  3-2
    141 - Dylan Chappell (Bucknell) dec Braden Basile (Army West Point)  4-1
    149 - Trae McDaniel (Army West Point) maj Braden Bower (Bucknell)  10-2
    157 - Cade Wirnsberger (Bucknell) dec Dakota Morris (Army West Point)  3-1
    165 - Noah Mulvaney (Bucknell) dec Gunner Filipowicz (Army West Point)  13-10SV
    174 - Myles Takats (Bucknell) dec Dalton Harkins (Army West Point)  4-1SV
    184 - Logan Deacetis (Bucknell) dec Jake Gilfoil (Army West Point)  9-6
    197 - Dillon Bechtold (Bucknell) dec Wolfgang Frable (Army West Point)  4-1
    285 - Lucas Stoddard (Army West Point) maj Lucas Shepherd (Bucknell)  18-9

    Austin Sommer -


    Intrermat Podcast: Iowa vs Penn State + New Rules Proposal + Injuries crushing top talent

    It's the week of the biggest dual of the year - Penn State vs Iowa. We look into the top matches, where Iowa can win and the trash talking at 184. We also dig into the new rules proposal meeting coming up and the rules we would like to see added along with how injuries have sidelined a number of All-Americans this year.

    00:00:00 - Introduction
    00:00:30 - Talk on Rules Proposals
    00:28:11 - Injuries in Wrestling
    00:36:08 – EIWAs, ACC, Big Ten recap
    00:51:05 – Starocci vs Arnold trash talk + Iowa-Penn State breakdown
    01:10:14 - Closing Thoughts

    This Week in Women's Collegiate Wrestling (1/29/2025)

    There was a lot to cover across collegiate women’s wrestling this week. Here are some of the highlights:
    Warrior Open highlights NAIA Talent
    The Warrior Open is a bright spot for amazing competition each year in the women’s collegiate calendar with around 40 teams in attendance, and this year was no different. #1 Life University flexed some depth in their lineup and scored the top number of team points. All-American Sarah Savidge tore through the 131 lbs bracket in the Maximus division, blazing her way to the finals with four tech falls and capping things off with another 11-0 tech against #6 William Penn’s Devin Patton in the finals. Another champ for the Running Eagles was Anetra Witherspoon at 180 lbs in the pancake division. 
    Life already has the #1 and #7 ranked 180 lb wrestlers, so seeing a dominant performance from freshman Witherspoon just speaks to the depth there for this team. A few notable individual wins were #7 Maggie Graham who had a big win in the third place match in the Maximus division over #2 (at 207 lbs) Kelani Corbett of #10 Missouri Valley. There was also a potential 138 lbs NAIA Championship finals preview in this tournament’s third-place match with #1 Zaynah McBryde of Life getting a 10-0 tech fall over #2 Waipuilani Estrella-Beauchamp of #5 Providence.
    #6 William Penn finished within 11 team points of Life led by recent transfers freshman Christianah Ogunsanya and Esther Kolawole. Both wrestlers competed for Nigeria in the Paris Olympics and started their journey as Statesmen with titles at 117 lbs and 138 lbs respectively. Both wrestlers faced top competition with Ogunsanya walking away with 4 tech falls including one against her teammate #2 Zao Estrada and All-American Kaelani Shufeldt (unattached.) Kolawole also had 4 tech falls on the day including over Waipuilani Estrella-Beauchamp. With these two Olympians added and the additions of both National Champ Caitlyn Davis and All-American America Lopez, William Penn continues to be a looming threat.
    A number of other NAIA schools also brought home championship wins with #4 Katie Gomez of #3 Cumberlands winning at 124 lbs, #5 Riley Dempewolf of host school #7 Indiana Tech at 207 lbs, #9 Josette Partney of RV Missouri Baptist at 160 lbs, and #2 Emma Walker of #9 Campbellsville winning at 145 lbs.
    See full results and brackets here.
    Iowa Goes Undefeated in Duals for Two Consecutive Seasons
    The Iowa Hawkeyes ended their 2025 season of dual competition at the Journeyman Duals over the weekend, going 4-0 to make their dual record since the 2023-24 season 35-0. After defeating #12 Lock Haven, #15 Sacred Heart, and #19 Elmira, the Hawkeyes were matched up with a tough #6 Presbyterian team. The 27-15 win was Iowa’s closest margin of victory this season with a 12-point differential between this opponent. This is even with the Hawkeyes forfeiting the 160lb weight class. 
    After holding Presbyterian scoreless after the first the matches, #7 Cali Long for Iowa got a tech fall in the first-ranked match of the dual over #5 Alyssa Mahan. Mahan scored two in the loss, giving her team their first dual point. #10 Emily Frost kept things running for the Hawkeyes at 131 lbs, but Presbyterian answered back at 138 lbs with their own #5 Carina Giangeruso over #6 Cadence Diduch in a strong 4-1 decision. Presbyterian took the next two with #10 Paige Wehrmeister getting a tech fall over Ella Schmit and then the aforementioned forfeit win for Maddie Kubicki at 160 lbs. However, Iowa got back on track winning the final two bouts via tech fall and decision.
    It cannot be understated how deep the talent on this squad is, especially in a dual tournament. These four wins at Journeyman did not feature some of Iowa’s top-ranked competitors. Iowa will once again have some tough calls to make along with teams like King, North Central, etc. who have way more than the maximum number of talented and ranked wrestlers who can be sent to regionals and therefore qualify for Nationals. 
    Grand Valley State Makes a Statement at the Bearcat Duals
    #4 Grand Valley State continues to impress in their inaugural season with a dominant performance at the Bearcat Duals with wins over #23 William Jewell, #8 Lindenwood, Quincy, and host school #5 McKendree.
    There was a lot of anticipation going into the dual between the Lakers and Bearcats and this was the closest win for GVSU, however, three early wins helped put it away. After both teams forfeited at 103 lbs, #1 Sage Mortimer gets the pin over Samantha Miller to put five on the board. Teammates Ana Malovich and #4 Aspen Blasko follow suit with pins over their McKendree opponents as well. #2 Alexandra Szkotnicki gets one back for the Bearcats at 131 with a first-period pin over Hannah Palise. Next, was a battle at 138 between #2 Katie Lange and Haylie Jaffe. The first period was all Lange going 7-0 into the break, but in the second the two exchanged takedowns and then two more points went to Jaffe. However, with the dominant start to the match, Lange hung on to the 9-4 lead for another win for the Lakers. The next two matches were big for McKendree with a 10-0 tech fall for #6 Savannah Gomez over Emily Medford, followed by a pin at the 1:30 mark for Ruby Rios over Elleni Johnson to bring the score to a much closer 18-15 deficit for the Bearcats. However, Grand Valley pulled away at 180 lbs with a 43-second fall from #2 Sabrina Nauss over Lydia Krauss and then a forfeit win for Aaliyah Grandberry at 207. 
    Upcoming events for next week
    Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of all collegiate women’s competitions.
    Wednesday, January 29
    King vs Lincoln Memorial Friday, January 31
    Lehigh vs Columbia (First Women’s Wrestling Dual Meet at Lehigh) William Penn vs Doane Saturday, February 1
    Bobcat Open Grand View Open RMAC Championships Blue Raider Open Sunday, February 2
    Menlo Invitational Lock Haven Tri-Match (Ursinus and Gannon)

    Morgan Hackney -

    • EIWA Weekly Recap (1/29/2025)

      EIWA Weekly Recap (1/29/2025)

    • Intrermat Podcast: Iowa vs Penn State + New Rules Proposal + Injuries crushing top talent

      Intrermat Podcast: Iowa vs Penn State + New Rules Proposal + Injuries crushing top talent

    • This Week in Women's Collegiate Wrestling (1/29/2025)

      This Week in Women's Collegiate Wrestling (1/29/2025)

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